Sex on The First Date? Know When It’s Ok And When It’s Not!


There are few stigmas stronger than that against a person who decides to have sex with someone on the first date. Movies, television shows, and all other forms of media seem to be shouting at us telling us that having sex on the first date is the opposite of what we should be doing.


They try to tell us to go against our own human nature in some cases to stick to social norms laid out a long time ago. It leaves one to wonder if it really is so terrible to have sex on the first date. You should know that if you want to have sex right away on the first date with no questions asked you can always go to to find someone willing to participate.

Assumptions To Be Made

It is a fact of life that some assumptions might be made about a person who decides to have sex on the first date. Psychology Today suggests that there is almost an age breakdown when it comes to what a person may think when it comes to a partner who is willing to have sex on a first date. The breakdown according to this magazine goes something like this:

1. Teenager

A teenager who has sex on the first date may draw the assumption from his or her partner that they are bound to have sex with a lot of other people as well.

2. Someone In Their Twenties


This is a case-by-case kind of basis. Some may consider a person who has sex on the first date in their twenties to likely have sex with many others, but some other people will not consider this to be a big deal at all.

3. Someone In Their Thirties Or Older

This individual is not likely to be judged for their sexual behavior nearly as harshly on a first date. It may even be taken as a compliment.

It Does Not Ruin A Relationship

Fondness for sex

Contrary to popular belief having sex on the first date does not ruin a relationship. There is no guarantee that any relationship is going to turn into something more in the first place, and it is dangerous to assume that sex on the first date is what sank the whole ship to begin with. There are any number of components that may have led to this particular outcome.

Most men agreed that they are perfectly fine with having sex on the first date when surveyed. It is also true that many people do have sex on the first date even if they do not admit to it. There is such a strong stigma in our society against doing this that some feel that they must try to hide the fact that they do have sex on the first date as if it is shameful. It is not.

The most important thing to remember is to enjoy yourself and you should be just fine. Always go along with what you and your partner want to do. If having sex on the first date feels right for both of you then do it. If you decide to wait a while that is perfectly fine as well.